Second day on the journey through fear , ambient installation, metal objects originally designed and made for installation, neon lights, alarm sound, Zacheta museum, Warshaw, 2001.
In a simulated play Second day on a journey through fear, the gallery is transformed into a retro-futuristic mis-en-scene. The viewer entered the stage directly, as a follower of set rules of the game.
The assemblable techno installation, as an intelligent artifact, demonstrates the ability of transformation, from alien creatures to a minefield, following the shape shifted cult models from the world of comics, as ironic models of pop culture. The archeology of technology which is represented by green spherical creatures, the neon light and a car alarm as a pseudo-reaction, got its pop-pattern through the cult of primitive concepts of other worlds.
The installation refers on Marinetti Manifesto of Futurism. From the belief that technology leads to future and the superiority of the car as the ideal of beauty, from the beginning of the century, to the “murder” of the technological dream, at the end of the century and the metaphoric fall into the ditch.
The anticipation of the same sound which, could be heard in Belgrade during the air-raids, after each detonation, as “an intelligent reaction” to an alien body approach, also find its place in this time-machine fusion of different historical models.
Text from the catalogue of the exhibition
Jelena Vesic, art historian and curator

Second day on the journey through fear ambient installation, metal objects originally designed and made for installation, neon lights, alarm sound, Zacheta museum, Warshaw, 2001.

Second day on the journey through fear, ambient installation, metal objects originally designed and made for installation, neon lights, alarm sound, Biennale of the Young artists, Konkordia, Vrsac, 1998.

Second day on the journey through fear, ambient installation, metal objects originally designed and made for installation, neon lights, alarm sound, 39. October salon, MIJ, Belgrade, 1998.