Neda Kovinic and Carlos Gutiérrez Quiroga, Non-aligned, video installation with sound and music performance, Open Friday, Romerstrasse space, Akademie Schloss Solitude, 2023.
performance and the video installation by Neda Kovinic and Carlos Gutiérrez Quiroga
Open Friday event at Projektraum Römerstraße
17th February 2023.
Sound artists Carlos Gutiérrez (Bolivia) together with visual and performance artist Neda
Kovinic (Serbia) had presented their experimental collaboration through the performance
and the video installation. In her work Neda Kovinic continuously questions how body
politics, social relations, power structures and ecology are inscripted into bodies and
how this in turn shapes our movements in space. Carlos Gutiérrez is interested in the
creation of music based on the different knowledges and aesthetics inherent to
indigenous musical thought or contemporary music and art in general.
Creating a unique temporary experience the artists rehearsed radical openness and
entrustment to the unknown in their artistic encounter. With great respect for a space of
spontaneous collaboration their offering explored the concept of „Non-Aligned“ as a
geopolitical, psychic and symbolic condition.
“We examined intersections of our practices and researched how we could learn something from
each other, thinking about the potentiality of collaboration as an agent of changes.
We took as the framework of our collaboration the political connection of our countries of
origins. Bolivia was part of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) founded and held its first conference
in Belgrade in 1961. under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1 . The concepts
around NAM evolved anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, peaceful coexistence, the call for self-
determination and the fight against racism and global economic inequalities. 2
This political and historical framework resonated in our collaboration as a peaceful coexistent of
multiplicity of artistic worlds with its potentiality. We mostly referred to the expression non-
aligned as to a poetical utopian echo. We performed the encounter of two artists coming from the
Global South and Eastern Europe at the artistic residency in the West.” Neda Kovinic