Silly girlfriends
Performance by Neda Kovinić with Joana Knežević, Katarina Bućić, Simonida Žarković, Nevena Radulović, at the opening of the International Biennial 31. Memorial of Nadežda Petrović in Čačak, 2022.
and the sound and objects installation

The performing of Silly Girlfriends produces and nurtures relationships and meanings that oppose permanent crises, alienation and destruction through the collectivity of performative practice, the relationships of care, trust and compassion, as well as through a landscape and procedural approach to dramaturgy and interdisciplinary.
The four female performers dance, speak and sing in the spacious interior and exterior of the Gallery. Separate actions occur simultaneously, in different places, so nobody has a complete vision of the whole and each viewer makes a personal, unique "collage" of this performance. Multiple perspectives get united through a shared affect manifested as a gesture made by the performers and carried through the space of both the Gallery and the cityscape. The title of the performance puts in the forefront the quality of the artist-collaborator relationship representing both the method and the content of this work. The girlfriends are collaborators in the performance, they entrust themselves, their skills, knowledge and feelings to each other and to the audience at the same time.
The word silly in the title of the work
points to irrational, witty, imperfect and not-necessarily-productive as principles of resistance against the porn-capitalist society that encourages and recognizes
only super-productive units. A small creative female group goes through entertainment, enjoyment, mutual listening, appreciation...